Types of verbs in English, the tense system II
Valencia, 15/04/2015, G.B.
Continuando con el English tense system, podemos afirmar que en inglés existen 3 tipos de verbos (types of verbs):

1.- Auxiliary verbs
2.- Modal auxiliary verbs
3.- Full verbs

1.- Auxiliary verbs

Los verbos do, be y have se usan como verbos auxiliares para formar diferentes tiempos verbales (tenses).

1.1 Do
- Do es un verbo auxiliar que se usa para formar las formas negativas e interrogativas (negative and question forms) del Present Simple. La forma de este verbo auxiliar en pasado es Did y se utiliza en el Past Simple.

Some examples:

Present Simple
Past Simple
I don't want to go there.
She didn't go out yesterday, sorry.

He doesn't eat meat. He's vegetarian.
Hopefully I didn't break my arm.


Do you like cheese?

Did they know it, John?

Does she play the piano?
Didn't you play the violin, the guitar and other instruments?

- Do solo se usa en la forma afirmativa (affirmative sentences) para enfatizar la acción de un verbo:

Some examples:

Present SimplePast Simple
I'm not lazy. I do study hard.
I did try to contact you last Friday, but you were unavailable, as they told me.

- Do también se utiliza en las denominadas tag questions (preguntas coletillas) y las short answers (respuestas cortas). Some examples:

Present SimplePast Simple
You think it'll be enough, don't you?
Who took my car last night? Susan did.
1.2. Be

- Be como auxiliar + present participle (-ing), se utiliza para formar tiempos continuos (continuous tenses). Some examples:

Raymond is recording an album.
I'll be leaving soon, sorry.
It's rainning, take an umbrella.

- Be + past participle (-ed, etc.) se utiliza para formar las oraciones pasivas (passive sentences). Some examples:

English is spoken all over the world.
My house is being renovated, so I'll stay at the hotel.

1.3. Have

- Have
como auxiliar + past participle (-ed, etc.) se utiliza para formar tiempos perfectos (perfect tenses). Some examples:
I've never been to India.
She have lived in India for 20 years.
Will you have finished by next monday?

2.- Modal auxiliary verbs

Los verbos modales auxiliares (modal auxiliary verbs) son auxiliares porque 'ayudan' a otros verbos, pero a diferencia de do, be y have, tienen su propio significado. Pueden expresar certeza (certainty), habilidad (ability), posibilidad (possibility), consejo (advice), etc.

Los modal auxiliary verbs son: can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, ought, need.  Los iremos viendo poco a poco... Some examples:

She can't play the drums. (ability)
He must beat least forty. (certainty)
It might snow this  evening. (possibility)
You should eat less. (advice)

3.- Full verbs

Todos los demás verbos, que son la gran mayoría en el idioma, se denominan full verbs o verbos 'normales'. Algunos ejemplos: go, drink, dance, study, help, sing, read...