If I could go back in time (a complete impossibility, sorry to remark)  and give advice to my younger self, I would have something to say to 'him' (me). Life is full of ups and downs, and there are many things I have learned along the way that could have made my journey smoother and happier.

First, you should always believe in yourself. Confidence is key to achieving your goals and dreams. You ought to trust your abilities and not let self-doubt hold you back. Remember, you could achieve 'almost' anything you set your mind to if you work hard and stay determined and are really focussed. Of course,  if it is not and impossible task or goal.

Second, you should cherish your relationships. Friends and family are important, and you ought to spend quality time with them. You shouldn't worry so much about what others think of you. True friends will accept you for who you are, at least, most of the time.

Third, you should take care of your health. Eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep are essential for a happy life. You could avoid many problems by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You didn't have to stress about things that are out of your control. Surely, that is hard, but completely true.

Lastly, you should follow your passions or hobbies. Doing what you love brings joy and fulfillment. You ought to pursue hobbies and interests that make you happy (Music?...). You could find a career that aligns with your passions, and you would feel more satisfied in life. Money is important, but not all...

In conclusion, life is a journey, and you should make the most of it. Believe in yourself, cherish your relationships, take care of your health, and follow your passions and /or hobbies. These pieces of advice could lead you to a happier and more fulfilling life.

Vocabulary ('visiting' the dictionary)

- To hold your back: To “hold your back” is an expression that means to support or protect someone, especially in difficult situations. It implies being there for someone, offering help, and ensuring they are not alone in facing challenges. Here are a few ways to hold someone’s back:

- Support: Offer emotional, physical, or financial assistance when needed.
- Encouragement: Motivate and uplift someone, helping them stay positive and focused.
- Protection: Defend or safeguard someone from harm or negative influences.
- Reliability: Be dependable and trustworthy, so the person knows they can count on you.

Holding someone’s back is about being a reliable and supportive presence in their life.

- To cherish: To cherish means to hold something dear and treat it with great care and affection. When you cherish someone or something, you value it highly and show appreciation for its importance in your life.

Here are a few ways to cherish:

- Appreciation: Take time to recognize and be grateful for the people and things that bring joy and meaning to your life.
- Care: Show love and attention through your actions. This could be spending quality time, offering support, or simply being present.
- Respect: Honor the feelings, thoughts, and needs of others. Treat them with kindness and consideration.
- Preservation: Make efforts to maintain and protect what you cherish, whether it’s a relationship, a possession, or a memory.

Cherishing is about recognizing the value of something and nurturing it with love and respect. 

- To take care: To "take care" means to look after someone or something with attention and concern, ensuring their well-being and safety. It involves being responsible and considerate in your actions. Here are a few aspects of taking care:

- Attention: Pay close attention to the needs and conditions of the person or thing you are caring for.
- Protection: Safeguard them from harm or danger.
- Support: Provide help and assistance when needed.
- Nurturing: Foster growth and development through positive actions and encouragement.
- Maintenance: Keep things in good condition through regular care and upkeep.

Taking care is about being mindful and proactive in ensuring the well-being of others or maintaining the condition of something important.

To follow something: To follow something means to go after or pursue it, often with the intention of reaching a goal or understanding it better.


- Pursue: Actively work towards achieving or obtaining something.
- Chase: Go after something with determination.
- Track: Monitor or keep an eye on something over time.
- Adhere to: Stick to or remain loyal to something, such as rules or principles.
- Observe: Watch or study something carefully.
- Comply with: Act in accordance with a rule, request, or command.
- Accompany: Go along with or be in the company of something or someone.
- Seek: Look for or try to find something.

- To make the most of something: The expression "to make the most of something" means to take full advantage of a situation, opportunity, or resource in order to gain the greatest benefit or achieve the best possible outcome. It involves using what you have in the most effective and efficient way to maximize positive results. Some examples:

- Time: If you have a free afternoon, you might make the most of it by doing something productive or enjoyable, like reading a book, exercising, or spending time with loved ones.
- Opportunities: When given a chance to learn a new skill or take on a new project, you should make the most of it by putting in your best effort and gaining as much knowledge and experience as possible.
- Resources: If you have access to certain tools or materials, you can make the most of them by using them creatively and efficiently to achieve your goals.